The World is Our Household!

Our FORUM brought together practitioners from across the ‘The World is Our Household!’ (TWIOH) programme strands through a range of activities both online and offline. Responding to the realities and urgencies of the Covid-19 pandemic, we developed the TWIOH FORUM in a dispersed network model, rather than a single gathering. This allowed us to connect with initiatives far beyond our locality in Yogyakarta, and to distribute resources to support their ongoing work, or allow them to develop new activities with/in their own communities and contexts. The FORUM unfolded in two distinct ways:

Forum Partner Projects

Our ‘Forum Partners’ were: Lian Gogali/Institut Mosintuwu (Poso, Central Sulawesi, ID), Sakiya – Art | Science | Agriculture (Ein Qiniya, Ramallah, Palestine), Zenzi Suhadi (Bengkulu, Sumatra, ID), and Yurni Sadariah/PEREMPUAN AMAN (Paser, East Kalimantan, ID). Each Partner was asked to develop an activity with/in their own communities and contexts, as part of the dispersed FORUM activities. This allowed us to not only connect with online audiences in the five days of the FORUM, but also to develop longer-term collaborations with the local communities of our four ‘Forum Partners’. 

A 5 day online gathering

The center of  ‘The World is Our Household! (TWIOH)’ FORUM  was an online gathering that took place between Wed 8–Sun 12 September 2021, exploring situated traditional knowledges of land and farming, resistance, solidarity and community building. Each day consisted of two main sessions, and began with a “Daily Retelling”, in which an invited member of the TWIOH network shared their personal reading / response to the previous day’s events with the public. Two full days in the FORUM were developed in collaboration with our Forum Partners. Across these four sessions, each partner shared about their context and issues they face; their praxis and methods for preserving, learning and regenerating traditional knowledge systems (Day 1); specific knowledges rooted in their local communities (Day 3); and joined a collective discussion about building solidarity and working to create sustainable joint movements translocally (Day 5). The remaining three days of the FORUM included individual sessions from our ‘Artist Partners’, and ‘Fellows’, contributors to our ‘Writing’ and ‘Podcast’ programs, as well as other friends, and took the form of workshops, presentations, farm tours and sharing sessions. 

You can find out more about the projects and watch the recording from each session of the online gathering below. Each session is available with full English (Facebook link) and Indonesian (YouTube link) translation.