And Their Lands Were Transformed into Zones of Pure Extraction

A conversation with Hendro Sangkoyo, founder and principal of the School for Democratic Economics (SDE, Jakarta); and writer Irmgard Emmelhainz (Mexico), whose 2016 essay “Decolonisation as the Horizon of Political Action” (2016, ‘Eflux’) provided us with the title for this event. In this talk, Irmgard read a text from her forthcoming book, in which she […]

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Alternative Technology and Social-Ecological Justice

A conversation between Timbil Budiarto, member of Lifepatch – citizen initiative for art, science and technology, a multidisciplinary community that invites its members and anyone interested, to investigate their surroundings through DIY and DIWO (Do It With Others) approaches; and Radjawali Irendra, a data scientist and activist from Komunitas Drone DIY (“DIY Drone Community”), who […]

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Seeding the Future Together, Part 2: INLAND

Friday, 14 August 2020, 16.00-17.30 (+7 GMT) Language: English   For the second discussion in our two part mini-series “Seeding the Future Together”, looking at alternative agroecological education and production communities, we were joined by Fernando García-Dory, artist and founder of INLAND, an artistic project (since 2009) dedicated to agricultural, social and cultural production. Fernando […]

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Seeding the Future Together: Part 1

‘Seeding the Future Together: Part 1’ was the first in our two part mini-series looking at alternative education initiatives for farming and rural skills. Speakers were Qomar, activist at Sekolah Tani Muda (SEKTIMUDA, “School for Young Farmers”, Yogyakarta, Indonesia) and Diah Widuretno, founder of Sekolah Pagesangan (“School of Life”, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia). While SEKTIMUDA offers […]

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Ecology, Resistance and Gender

An online talk about ecology, environmental struggle, resistance, subsistence and gender, which included a presentation by artist Marwa Arsanios (Beirut, Lebanon) about “Convention of women farmers and ecological feminists” (2019), an assembly she organised in 2019 as part of the Warsaw Biennial (Poland), in which she brought together women farmers from Syria, Lebanon, Mexico, India, […]

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Indigenous and Situated Knowledges

This event addressed how local and situated knowledges of Indigenous communities are often dismissed in the face of development and modernity. We invited Gilung Talang Mamak from AMAN Indragiri Hulu (the Indragiri Hulu branch of the “The Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago”, Indonesia) and Yoyogasmana from Ciptagelar (an indigenous community living in the rural […]

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Mobilizing Rural Histories: community, land and economies for the commons

A discussion with artist Kathrin Böhm, co-founder of the community drinks enterprise Company Drinks (London, UK) and the artist duo Badan Kajian Pertanahan (Wates, Jatiwangi, Indonesia). Although coming from very different contexts, both groups mobilize specific rural histories rooted in the land to encourage collectivity and solidarity in the present, working both on a conceptual […]

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Solidarity Initiatives and Food Security Tactics during the Pandemic

The first event in our online programme was a sharing session with individual, collective, community kitchens and alternative distribution platforms connecting farmers directly to consumers in the city, all set up as a form of solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Civil solidarity initiatives can be a form of response to the uncertainties we face during […]

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