‘Seeding the Future Together: Part 1’ was the first in our two part mini-series looking at alternative education initiatives for farming and rural skills. Speakers were Qomar, activist at Sekolah Tani Muda (SEKTIMUDA, “School for Young Farmers”, Yogyakarta, Indonesia) and Diah Widuretno, founder of Sekolah Pagesangan (“School of Life”, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia). While SEKTIMUDA offers a platform for a younger, urban generation in the city of Yogyakarta to learn about biodiversity and practice farming skills, Sekolah Pagesangan uses “contextual education” to connect children with ecological knowledge and practices in their immediate environment, the rural village of Wintaos, Yogyakarta, as a way to resist rural depopulation and loss of knowledge. In this sharing session, we learned more about the study methods and practices each group has developed as a way to engage with issues concerning food security, whilst considering what kind of alternatives we can actualize together. The event was hosted by Monika Swastyastu (Struggles for Sovereignty).
This event took place on: Thursday, 30 August 2020, 16.00-18.00 (+7 GMT)
Language: Indonesian